(4 replies, posted in Water Wells, Pumps, & Tanks)

Is it better to to use a thicker drop line this time Iam not sure what in there now but I guess I will fine out soon enough I live southwestern Michigan very sandy area should stay with the same type of pump? Thanks Speedbump I appreciate your input


(4 replies, posted in Water Wells, Pumps, & Tanks)

Someone said I might have a small pin hole it the bladder


(4 replies, posted in Water Wells, Pumps, & Tanks)

Hi , hope i can find some answer
Back in January my pressure switch shorted out it kept blowing the fuses so I replace the switch I couldn't  read what pressure was on the switch so I just figure I have a submerged pump and 35 gal well-trol WX 203 tank that it was 30/50 switch I put the new switch in and it was fine the pressure was a little stronger as it shook the pipes when it shut off I didn't like that so I went and bought a new pressure gage installed that and I bought a 20/40 pressure switch change it all over to the 20/40 the pressure was lower then normal but was working fine then the pump started staying on longer and longer then I noticed the pressure wouldn't go above 35 psi and it takes at least 10 minutes to get there I lower the cut off but pressure is to lower I drain the system check the tank pressure its at 18 and no water coming out of the air valve I don't know what kind of pump it in there as it under ground and I know it at least 18 to 20 years old and I don't seem to have any leaks anywhere does anyone have any ideas for me to check?