What is a good entry level trailer jetter and manufacturer? Specs I am looking for is 4000 psi and 8 gpm.
28 2012-05-14 17:27:25
Re: Hey all (4 replies, posted in Meet The Welcome Wagon)
I will be looking forward to it. I really like being able to post certain things in private amongst. Other professionals.
29 2012-05-11 20:21:01
Topic: Hey all (4 replies, posted in Meet The Welcome Wagon)
I am a licensed plumber that does drain cleaning, boiler/burner tech, leak detection, are a few of the things I do. I am in NC.
30 2012-05-11 20:15:57
Re: What Is Your Favorite Brand To Install? (14 replies, posted in Water Heater Repair & Replacement)
Bradford White.
There are no good tankless domestic water heaters.
31 2012-05-11 20:12:22
Re: What brand of flapper do you recommend? (7 replies, posted in Bidet & Toilet Repair)
I like Wolverine Brass brand. If you want an ok one for ~$1, Coast (blue flapper).