In your Profile/Introduction section there are 2 links for checking what forums and threads you are subscribed to are there any on the list?

You are in the right place. SpeedBump will be along and he's the guy I ask when I'm stumped, so you are in good hands.

Welcome, SpeedBump will be along to help you out. He's our resident well & pump expert.
If he doesn't show up by tonite I'll hit him with an e-mail and tell him you are here.

What is this guy WeTHeaD doing try to send my members to other forums?
Why I outta ban the guy....  LOL

I use a larger jetter and Parker Hose, I'm sure that they have a smaller hose I've just never used their smaller dia hoses.
Can't beat it for 1/2 hose though, it's tough stuff!


(4 replies, posted in Water Wells, Pumps, & Tanks)


(4 replies, posted in Water Wells, Pumps, & Tanks)

I've made your place...
Now if we just get you some customers to keep you busy...
Build It and they will come...


(5 replies, posted in Meet The Welcome Wagon)

Thanks, nothing like an absentee forum owner... LOL


(5 replies, posted in Meet The Welcome Wagon)

Hey Speedbump welcome..

I got the forum up a while back but I've been a bit busy working 2 jobs so I haven't treated it right yet..
Looks like I should be making you a Well Pumps & Tanks Forum for you to hang out in.
I'll upgrade you to "Pro Member" as well so the pro forums open up for you.


(2 replies, posted in Plumbing Tools and Equipment)


(7 replies, posted in Suggestions & Feedback)


(7 replies, posted in Suggestions & Feedback)

Forums are a bit tricky, they get views but if it doesn't look like a hopping place, join ups are slow.
This one will get going, I just haven't had the time to work on it yet.
Once you get a good amount of active members posting they rapidly hit a tipping point where they are self sustaining but the initial push is a lot of work.

When WeTHeaD & I started DCF initially it was just the 2 of us and we made a bunch of posts to get things started mostly question type stuff then we started inviting. We got a few guys in here and started the conversations going. Most of the DCF startup was done with about 5-6 guys. Then more invites, and Pow! Look at it today.... No Stopping it now!

We make good forums!
I'm just not having the time right now with my work load to rip into it.


(4 replies, posted in Meet The Welcome Wagon)

Hey Trent,

That was pretty easy to fix!
I gave you an upgrade to Pro-Member as well...

Been a little crazy lately with oodles of work...
Hopefully we can make this place start rocking...

Well I wouldn't consider buying one but not for any bad reasons.
My reasoning is that I do both plumbing and drain cleaning out of a 3/4 ton van and there is a limit to what I can carry.
I have 2 drum machines that pretty well cover the spectrum of my drain cleaning work and I'll stick with those with my space and weight limitations.

As far as buying the Electric Eel Model C  used there is not much that I would worry about. It is a very robust appearing machine and very simple as well. I'd say it bears a close resemblance to a brick privy. As long as the motor runs, the gearbox is good without excessive gear grinding and bearing noise, I'd say there is little to worry about.

I'd be more concerned with the condition of the cables if they were included as part of the package.


(1 replies, posted in Plumbing Tools and Equipment)

There are quite a few out there all decent.

If I was looking though I'd be really temped to build one.
The bang for the buck is too big to ignore and I've recently seen some really nice stuff home built.

Around here we have a lot of indirect water heaters and oil fired water heaters.
For indirect water heater I like the SuperStor Ultra made by Heat Transfer Products.
For Oil Fired Water Heaters I like Bock Water Heaters.


(4 replies, posted in Meet The Welcome Wagon)


(4 replies, posted in Meet The Welcome Wagon)

Welcome on over Joe...
I've upgraded you to Pro-Member...
Some Magic happens, additional forums become visible, and you can also post in the biz showcase.
We're new and growing...
6 months from now it will be like wow!


(4 replies, posted in Meet The Welcome Wagon)

Ahhh you've found another one of my fledgling projects...


I've upgraded you to pro-member status go ahead and put your ad in the Florida section below..
You know what I say about the more places they can find you the better your chances of being found.

And you can now see our super secret Pro-Member Forum...

Let me know when you are ready for a free blog here, I'll set you up with one..

Maybe I should tell the boys about this place someday soon and get it rocking!


(2 replies, posted in Plumbing Code)

You are right something is weird!

I'm not sure what this pipe is that you are talking about but water should not be draining from it. You obviously have a clogged drain and need someone with the proper equipment and knowledge to clean it.

Can you put a picture up of this pipe so I have some idea of what you are talking about?
Sounds like it's a vent pipe to me...


(3 replies, posted in Meet The Welcome Wagon)

Hi There KC...

Welcome to the kinda new and very unfinished forum...
Want to help hang up some pictures on the walls? LOL

It will change...
For some reason these projects always get bigger than anticipated.
Hang around some...
You'll see...

I hadn't invited anyone to the party yet...


(2 replies, posted in Bidet & Toilet Repair)


(0 replies, posted in Plumbing Company Showcase FAQ'S)